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Monday, April 16, 2012

Real Simple: Waste Reduction

When you have a child, there are many options for handling their waste. That's right - many.
The first option is generally the one people assume you will go with.

Run-of-the-mill Disposable Diapers.

This would be Huggies, Pampers, Luvs, along with store brands. 
This is the most wasteful option, as these can take quite a while to degrade.

Organic, Bio-degradable Disposable Options.

This can be diapers like Seventh Generation, or disposable inserts for cloth covers (such as Flip, GroVia, or G-Diapers). This one is still wasteful, but not as hard on the environment as the first option.

Photo credit: GroVia

Cloth Diapers.

These diapers are entirely reuseable, and can be made of things like cotton, hemp and bamboo. They are much better for the environment, but still use natural resources for production, gas for travel, and water for washing.
Another way to keep cloth diapering green is to use a clothes line and/or drying rack.

Elimination Communication.

This option consists of diaperless babies. That's right! This is the greenest option, but it's not necessarily right for everybody. If you're going this route, you learn your baby's cues and take them to the potty as needed.

There is certainly no need to go all-or-nothing. 


Some people choose a combination of disposables, and cloth. Some use cloth and elimation communication.
If you use cloth diapers, or elimination communication, even part time - you can rest assured knowing that you are putting less waste into landfills than if you were using disposables.

I often hear people complaining that they can't cloth diaper full time for one reason or another.

That's fine! Every cloth diaper you use, is one less disposable getting thrown away. And every time you use elimination communication, that is one less diaper you have to wash. Do whatever works for you, but know that every little bit counts.

Even if you use just one cloth diaper a day, that is 365 (or 366) disposables you've kept out of a landfill at the end of the year. Imagine if you use two, or three... Those numbers really add up!

For more information on how you can make a difference by using cloth diapers part time, check out Change Three Things by Cotton Babies!

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Cloth 101 - Getting to know modern CD's

Used with permission.
People decide to use cloth diapers for many different reasons. Some want to reduce/reuse/recycle, or keep chemicals away from their baby. Others choose cloth to save money where they can, or even because they fall in love with the cute color and pattern options that cloth provides.

Even though cloth seems to be a growing trend these days, it's been around much longer than disposables. This might be one of the reasons people shy away from it. They've heard about having to use pins, and plastic pants. Nah, these people prefer to use "real diapers" - whatever that means. They don't want crappy diapers sitting in their toilet. You can thank my mother for the last one - apparently when she was growing up, her little brother was cloth diapered, and every time she had to use the bathroom, she had to get one of her parents to remove the diaper from the toilet. Gross!

Well, fret no more. Cloth doesn't have to be like that today. There are many different options, and with these, you can find the best system for your lifestyle.


If you are in it for the eco-friendly aspect, you might be drawn to organic products, or natural fibers like fitteds with a wool cover.
However, you don't have to go for those options to reduce the waste that disposables would create. Depending on how eco-friendly you want to be, you can even use disposable hybrid options such as Grovia or Flip.


The best way to save money is use prefolds and covers. Because of this, most people use prefolds on newborns as a cheap effective way to keep them in cloth before they would otherwise fit into one-size diapers.
Another economical option is AI2 (all-in-twos) like Best Bottoms, Grovia or Flip, which are basically a cover and a matching insert. The least economical option would be AIO (all-in-ones), or WAHM (work at home mom) fitteds. However, even using a stash entirely of AIO's will still save you money in the long run. Even WAHM diapers can save you money in the long run - as long as you don't buy more than you need.


Cloth diapers are definitely a cute alternative to disposables. Many people consider them to be a fashion accessory, or clothing item of their own. Most big name cloth brands come in a variety of colors - and some even come in patterns. If you decide to use WAHM diapers, they can come in any array of colors and patterns.
The style factor is part of what can lead to over-buying. However, even those that buy more than they need can recoup their costs by reselling them later. This is one of the amazing things about cloth diapers - the diapers do not lose much value with use.

Already interested in cloth?

If you already want to use cloth, but aren't quite sure where to start, let me help.

All-in-one's, all-in-two's and pockets are the easiest systems to use for those familiar with disposables, with AIO's and pockets in the lead as they are the most similar.

AIO's are literally one piece, which means that you wash, put on baby, take off, and repeat. However, they usually take the longest to dry, and do not have adjustable absorbancy without the use of a doubler or extra insert. However, adding something to an AIO takes away the benefit of using it. really.

AI2's can be used just like an AIO, except that you can reuse the waterproof shell until it's dirty, and simply replace the insert.

Pockets are used just like AIO's, but you have to stuff an insert into the pocket before using (or after washing). Most pockets come with microfiber, which can hold stink, and cannot be placed directly against baby's skin. However, there are other options for inserts, such as bamboo and hemp. These have adjustable absorbancy, and are much quicker at drying because the insert is not sewn in. These are probably the most popular type. Also, you can find some very cheap pockets online, such as Kawaii and Sunbaby.

These three options are your best bet to get daycare or your babysitter on board with using cloth. There is no extra work for the person changing the diaper!

I always recommend getting a variety of diaper types, even if you are completely sold on one specific kind. What if it doesn't work for your baby? What if it doesn't fit all situations? We started with prefolds, fitteds, AIO's, AI2's and pockets. I swore I was going to love AI2's and pockets. They have their place, like I love AI2's for travel, but my favorites are actually AIO's and fitteds. And even though I didn't originally have any interest in getting into wool, I do now. It works wonders - despite the fact that it doesn't make logical sense how wool can waterproof a diaper (just look up lanolizing if you want to take that route).

I wouldn't give up my variety for just one type of diaper either. Which diapers are fitting my little one best changes all the time, because babies grow quickly.

To read more about cloth diapers, check out the links below (or join in if you're a CDer and blogger!) - they are part of the Real Diaper week blog hop, which is leading up to the Great Cloth Diaper Change this Saturday.

How do you promote, educate or advocate to others about the importance of cloth diapers?  Share you posts here in honor of the 2012 Real Diaper Week and attend a Great Cloth Diaper Change on April 21, 2012 at a location near you.  

1. Adventures In Fluff  31. What do I do With Poo?  
2. ClothDiaperBlog@DiaperJunction  32. How I Became a Cloth Diaper Addict!  
3. Our cloth nappy (diaper) journey: Part Two  33. Kelly Wels  
4. The Eco Chic  34. FTM - Cloth Diaper Mythology 101  
5. Simple City Life  35. Adin B  
6. My Cloth Diaper Stash  36. Cloth Diapers... by Cotton Babies  
7. Adventures of Mommyhood  37. Making The Switch & Cloth Diaper Resources  
8. Dirty Diaper Laundry  38. Danielle Elwood Dot Com  
9. Bum Luxury  39. Notes from Carrie - Bitty Bottoms Blog  
10. Toni The Chic Momma  40. The Mami Blog - Part 2  
11. Padded Tush Stats  41. Increasing Awareness about Reusable Cloth Diapers  
12. Cloth Diapering 101 - Daddy's Perspective  42. Cotton Bottom Mama  
13. The Mami Blog  43. Cloth Diaper Revival  
14. A little bit of Everything  44. Walk The Walk - The Gnome's Mom  
15. Carolina Cloth  45. Chronicles of a Nursing Mom  
16. Life as a Wife, Mummy, and Nurse  46. Mommy of One and Counting  
17. To Make a Nest - cloth diapering your newborn  47. Little Britches Cloth Diapers  
18. So Easy Being Green  48. The Scientist, the Baker and their Son  
19. Mama Papa Barn  49. Coastie Wifey's Lifey  
20. The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a Second Time Mom  50. I Will Wash Them  
21. DFW Cloth Diaper Group  51. QUIZ: Could Cloth Diapers Work for You???  
22. Mrs Rose Petals  52. The Best Time to Try Cloth Diapers  
23. The Eco-Friendly Family  53. Naturally Healthy Parenting  
24. Domestically Seasoned & cloth diaper giveaway  54. Cloth Diapering 101 -- Izzy and Johnny's  
25. Little Tiny Love  55. Naptime Review  
26. Diaper Shops  56. Country Drawers  
27.  57. Booty Buns Cloth Diapers  
28. Of Learning and Nesting  58. Waste Less, Want Less  
29. Just Add Cloth  59. Our cloth nappy (diaper) journey: Part One  
30. Conscientious Confusion  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, April 13, 2012

4 months: Wakefulness, Progress and Solids

Evan turned 4 months old this week. As such, he had his 4 month ped appointment.


13 lbs 10 oz
24.5 inches

We are doing a delayed schedule for his vaccinations, so he only got one shot, and the oral vaccine. He was amazing. He was smiling immediately after - not even a hint of pain.

His doctor pointed out that he was on the low end of weight, and unlike most breastfed babies he skipped the "chunky stage" - but she isn't concerned. He is growing and reaching milestones. Also, he seems to be a mini-me for Eddie, and she assumes he will grow to have the same lean physique.
We talked about solids too. She wanted us to start between 4-6 months, and make sure he keeps gaining weight. She brought up delaying solids as well.

We decided to somewhat start solids. On Easter, Evan had a piece of broccoli accidentally. He thinks he's ready, the ped thinks he's ready... why not?

We decided awhile back that we would do BLW (Baby Led Weaning) which is letting your baby feed themselves chunks/pieces of whole foods. We're still doing that, pretty much. Evan has nommed boiled carrots (though not really ingested any), and some banana (though again - not sure he ingested much if any).
Tonight we tried avocado. I really wanted him to like it, because it's full of nutrients and healthy fats. And I don't want solids to ruin his weight gain. Well... the avocado was already mush, so he didn't get slices as planned. I spooned some, and he eagerly took over! He even spoon-fed himself a bit.

He loved it! I'm thinking this will be the only solid for awhile just because of the fatty content, and we have SO much still! I don't know what to do with it all. Though I know I can make some Paleo pudding with it


He has rolled tummy to back a few times.
He can roll back to side.
He's grabbing and holding things.
He brings things to his mouth pretty well.
He is great at lifting himself up when on his tummy, and looking around.
He has phenomenal head support.
He's taken a liking to "bubbling" moreso than babbling, but he can do that too.
He wants to stand/jump, and loves to kick off of things.
Splashing is his favorite thing.
And diaper changes. This kid loves being naked.
He's getting better at sitting, if you can tell by the pictures.
He can sit "on his own" if balanced just right.
Sleeping 8-9 hours a night (though he had a few "wakeful" nights - I don't think we've really had the 4 month wakeful...yet...)

I still find it crazy that this:

2 weeks old
Became this:

Nearly 4 months old

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

 Evan was 2 weeks old at Christmas, so at the advice of my mother - I didn't do much. He didn't have a special outfit, he didn't get any "My First Christmas" stuff... I got him a rattle, and a couple tiny board books. Eddie and I got one gift for eachother each (he got me a nursing tank, and I got him a new cordless kettle).
It was lame, and I really regret it. I always go all out for Christmas. It's a big deal.

So I decided Easter would make up for it.

Evan generally sleeps great at night, but getting him to bed for the night is a pain - and he won't nap for the life of him usually. So we got him the soothing sounds giraffe, and a couple Lullaby Renditions CD's to help. Hopefully. We also got a bowl and plate to start solids, a rattle from IKEA, a hanging thing from IKEA to put stuffed animals in, an O-ball, some teethers, and a couple extra crib sheets.

We aren't going to my family's dinner for a few reasons, so we're going to take some pictures in his Easter outfit. If all goes well, those will be posted soon too.